19 Jul

Character introduction video of Jaden – TCTUESDAY

Last week we heard someone say something like “see you tuesday” and we couldn’t belive our ears!! It should be known by now that this day of the week is called TCTUESDAY!! For educational reason we smashe his head in and that was that. He will PROBABLY remember now and so should you!!
Today we introduce JADEN!! It is good to have Jaden, because this guy stays CALM, even when there is TROUBLE!! It is good to be around him except if you are hungry, because you can be SURE that your food is gone when you blink ONCE!!
See you next TCTUESDAY (don’t FORGET!!)
12 Jul

Character introduction video of Eric – TCTUESDAY

Another week, another TCTUESDAY!! This week went by FAST and it was uneventful. We do NOT call lighting some trash cans on fire, breaking STUFF and scaring other crews EVENTS, that’s just the normal life of TC.

Today you meet CHRIS!!He has a fascination for the OCCULT, the MYSTICAL and the STRANGE…